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Community Garden

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Plans to regenerate our gardens are an integral part of our ‘Welcoming Church’ vision. We are working with the ‘A Rocha - Eco Church’ project and the URC’s ‘Children and Youth Friendly Church’ schemes, which  broadened our thinking.











  • To make the church site more welcoming and ‘open’.

  • To create a usable space for all children and young people connected with St Paul’s.

  • To improve disabled access to the gardens

  • To enable our community to use the space in different ways.

  • To use our gardens to learn about the importance and beauty of God’s world – creating and valuing habitats for local wildlife: insect friendly!

  • To improve signage around our site.

  • A sensory garden with annual colour

So far we have prepared the main bed for the planters, improved the south door path and set the paving stones in the lawn. There are new compost heaps and water butts and lots and lots of weeding alongside peaceful benches to just enjoy the space.

Whilst doing this we've had so many inspiring conversations with people passing by - thank you!


Please get in touch to enquire, help or advise us with our plans!  Sue 07971 068887 

Garden Plans
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